Akira + Ghost in the Shell

AKIRA Akira is a film that really has it all. Body horror, politics, police brutality, fanatical religious groups, human experimentation, and more. I've only seen Akira once before, and was surprised to see just how much I didn't catch onto the first time around or didn't remember. This film is a unique one, I've never seen anything like it. I don't have much reference to go on as far as 80s anime goes aside from the Devilman OVA from 1987, but the animation is amazing, particularly the characters. The characters' movements and expressions are nuanced and realistic, especially their hand gestures and faces. Honestly I was blown away by just about every shot, the cityscapes in Akira and backgrounds in general are beautifully detailed. I made the mistake of watching the dub this time around out of curiosity and it wasn't great, the voice acting was completely out of sync with the characters' lip flaps and just not very good in general at times. I don...